Apple cider vinegar, used to treat toenail fungus, is an inexpensive but effective treatment that can treat infections even in the most advanced cases. But on the basis of apple cider vinegar, a variety of compounds that have adverse effects on fungal colonies have been prepared. In order to quickly replace the affected nail plate with a new nail plate, you need to consider all the characteristics of the folk method application.
The effect of apple cider vinegar on fungi
Nail fungus or onychomycosis is a difficult disease to treat. Fungal spores can be infected in any public place where the humidity is always high and the heat is maintained. Microorganisms can easily enter the subcutaneous layer through skin cracks, abrasions and scratches. Usually, the fungus starts to move on the skin, causing itching, redness, burning, and peeling.
Mycosis can cause local immunity to decline, causing the fungus to spread quickly along the foot and penetrate into the thickness of the nail bed. Onychomycosis develops gradually, and the manifestation of the disease largely depends on the type of fungus.
The affected nails begin to become dull and gray, and then gradually become thicker and wider. Over time, the nail plate began to collapse and break, and a sore, unpleasant smell appeared around the bed.
All changes in onychomycosis affect the entire nail and its edges or areas located in the growing zone. In advanced cases, a fungal infection of one nail can spread to the adjacent nail and to the other leg. The easiest way to treat nail fungus is in the initial stages of pathology. If the disease is detected in time, then only topical antifungal drugs can be used, and the folk methods at the early stage of onychomycosis are not inferior to the drug preparations.
Treating toenail fungus with apple cider vinegar can kill parasites. Using a recipe based on apple cider vinegar can cause an acidic environment under the thickness of the nail and under the plate itself, which has a detrimental effect on the spores of the parasite. The increase in acidity will cause the reproduction and further growth of the fungus to be interrupted.
Apple cider vinegar also has antiseptic and disinfectant properties and can be used to prevent fungal infections. If nail fungus is found in family members, the disease must be prevented.
During the treatment of the main "source" of fungal spores, external use of apple cider vinegar in pure form or in combination with other ingredients will prevent relatives from becoming infected.
Options for treating fungus with apple cider vinegar
How to treat certain onychomycosis depends on the stage of infection? In advanced cases, topical medications should be combined with antifungal medications prescribed by oral dermatologists. Using ointments, lotions or folk methods alone will not bring benefits, especially if changes in the nail beds on the legs have been observed for many years.
To treat fungal infections with apple cider vinegar, you can use various treatments based on the product. It can be lotion, ointment of different ingredients, foot bath. The recommended formula must be strictly adhered to, because increased amounts of vinegar or other ingredients can irritate the skin around the nails, pain and burns.
Apple cider vinegar bath
Trays added with various ingredients with antifungal activity are widely used to combat toenail fungus. Apple cider vinegar is also one of them.
The bathtub is easy to prepare. You need to heat two to four cups of apple cider vinegar and pour it into a basin, then immerse the legs in the liquid. When several conditions are met, the effectiveness of the treatment increases:
- Before surgery, the legs must be rinsed to remove all dead cells. The affected nails should be steamed and part of the nail plate should be cut off.
- The duration of the bath is 10 to 15 minutes.
- During the first week of treatment, you should take a bath twice a day. Then the procedure is carried out every three days.
- Do not wash your feet after the vinegar bath. They can only be dried with a towel and put cotton socks on them.
Pure apple cider vinegar can cause severe burns. Especially if there is a wound on the foot. To reduce sensitivity, you can dilute with water at a ratio of 2: 1.
Apple cider vinegar is also used as the basis of dressings against nail fungus. The simplest compression method is to moisten a cotton pad with vinegar and then fix it on the affected nail. There are other options for lotions:
- Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar should be mixed with regular soda water to obtain a paste-like mixture. Apply it to the nails, cover the top with a tampon, and fix it with fingertips or plastic wrap.
- Apple cider vinegar is mixed with glycerin or vegetable oil in equal proportions. In the resulting solution, the disc was wetted and placed on the affected nail. It is best to fix the compress with plastic wrap and put socks on it. Apple Glycerin Blend is also ideal for lubricating the entire foot. The application of this solution can soften rough skin, kill all microorganisms, promote softening of corns, and can be used when onychomycosis and fungal disease are combined, that is, the fungus affects the skin surface.
- Iodized vinegar. Three drops of iodine tincture should be placed on a tablespoon of apple flavor. Apply the obtained medicine to the entire surface of the nail, then wrap the finger with polyethylene and fix the compress with plaster. You can also use iodine as a separate ingredient to fight fungi.
Apply apple cider vinegar to the nails for at least three hours, preferably at night, and remove the bandage in the morning. The nail bed becomes soft under the influence of the ingredients of the lotion, so it can be cut easily.
For nail fungus, it is recommended to use an ointment with apple cider vinegar as the main ingredient.
- 100 grams of crushed longevity flower leaves should be mixed with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 10 grams of liquid honey and 30 grams of eucalyptus oil. The prepared mixture is stored in a dark place for three days, after which it can be used to lubricate nails affected by fungus.
- Two tablespoons of apple flavor should be mixed with equal amounts of dimethyl phthalate, glycerin and olive oil. Apply the obtained ointment to the nail; in order to enhance the effect, the fingers can be wrapped in plastic wrap. In the morning, wash your feet and nails thoroughly with water and laundry soap.
Nail polish can be applied twice a day. If the nails are steamed and the large thickened parts are cut off before surgery, apple cider vinegar will be effective in treating nail fungus. But it must be remembered that in advanced cases, if it is not used in combination with systemic antifungal drugs, even the topical application of pharmaceutical preparations with high antifungal activity will not help.
The treatment of nail fungus is a long process, which takes several weeks to one and a half to two years. If drug administration and external nail treatment are used uninterrupted throughout the treatment period, complete destruction of the fungus can be achieved.